Another Terrific Sproktoberfest![]() Last night the Rotary Club of Amherst held another successful Sproktoberfest (Spring-Oktoberfest) fundraiser at the Park Country Club. With over 200 tickets sold or purchased with Sponsorship packages the event will surely be a terrific success once the final tallies come in. |
Sproktoberfest 2016![]() An annual Rotary Club of Amherst tradition "Sproktoberfest" (a Spring Oktoberfest) join us at Park Country Club on Wednesday May 18th from 6-9PM tickets are $45 presale or $50 at the door. Proceeds to benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of Buffalo, Buffalo City Mission Cornerstone Manor, and the Amherst Rotary Foundation. Email Club President Isadore or find a Member for presale tickets!
Don't forget to follow Amherst Rotary on Facebook for all the Club Updates.
The Rotary Club of Amherst is a premier Service Club in the community involved in worthwhile local and international projects. We are committed to the Rotary motto “Service Above Self,” providing compassionate service to others, while enjoying fellowship and personal fulfillment.
Upcoming Speaker Highlights 2015-2016 |
Fall 2015 Update![]() ![]() ![]() I
![]() Additionally the Rotary Club of Amherst has continued to support the Rotary International Foundation and as such we were able to present three Paul Harris Fellow awards this year. Two were presented to members: one to Immediate Past President Dr. Katie Biggie (now President of the Roundabout Rotary Buffalo Niagara) and another to Past President Cindy Munschauer. The third was presented to a community member, Russell Salvatore for his continued support of the Buffalo community.
![]() ![]() Thursdays at Noon
Rizotto Ristorante
930 Maple Rd.
Williamsville, NY 14221.
Announcing the Harvest Moon Dinner Dance 2015![]() |
2015 Another great Rotary year!![]() 2014 also closed fantastically, though bittersweet. With a great tradition of hosting a Christmas party in early December for the patients of the Erie County Medical Center skilled nursing facility which has grown over the past two years with the County's building of the beautiful new Terrace View complex. Each year Rotarians, friends and family join the patients there to sing carols, give presents, eat pizza, and enjoy a visit from a special Santa. The bittersweet part was in late December we had a fantastic farewell party to the Westwood Country Club as they closed their doors to make room for a new development project. The party included some of the best food we have had at a Club known for good food.
As we move further into 2015 we are happy with returning to the location of our roots (Rizotto Ristorante was the site of Daffodils Restaurant where the Club was chartered in 1988) where we continue to enjoy great lunches, speakers and networking.
An Exciting Start to the 2013-2014 Rotary Year![]() We have had some terrific lunch meetings at noon at Westwood Country Club. We have had a wide variety of speakers this year covering a variety of topics.
We have also had the fortunate opportunity of chartering a new club, the Rotary E-Club of Southern Ontario, Canada & Western New York, USA (SOWNY).
We had the privilege of welcoming District Governor Kevin Crouse to present this year's Rotary International theme, Engage Rotary Change Lives. We were also happy to present him with a check for $2500 representing our contributions to End Polio Now and Rotary International.
![]() We look forward to a terrific Wine Tasting Event on October 18, at 6PM at Westwood CC. The proceeds will benefit our Foundation and several terrific local charities, please invite your friends and family for a terrific time.
![]() Our Spring Golf outing at Westwood Country Club netted $7000 for the American Cancer Society's Hope Lodge Buffalo. We were happy that Past President Gabe Maddalena was able to present this check on behalf of our Club.
The Rotary Foundation - Doing Good in the WorldOnly 90 seconds to learn about the good things done by The Rotary Foundation ... Please watch.
Rotary Club of Amherst East Donates $2,000 to Vive La Casa![]() On Thursday, February 28, 2013, Gabriele Maddalena, President of the Rotary Club of Amherst East, delivered a check to Vive La Casa for $2,000 to Shelly Schratz, who accepted the check for Vive.
Shelly is a member of the Rotary Club of Amherst South and supports Vive La Casa - Vive, Inc. is the largest refugee shelter in the United States. At Vive you will meet some of the “bravest people in the world” as they come seeking freedom and safety! Vive is located in Buffalo, NY, on the border of Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada. It is this location that has assisted thousands over the last few decades to freedom. Vive’s staff is always looking to make the refugees’ journey one that brings them peace and justice. |
Rotary Member Elizabeth Kovacs Receives a Paul Harris Fellow Plus One Pin from Rotary Member Paul McAfeeToday at the Rotary Club of Amherst East lunch meeting, Paul McAfee presented a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow Plus 1 pin to Elizabeth Kovacs.
Paul used his Paul Harris Fellow points to honor Elizabeth for the extensive work that she has done to help create our first E-Club, the Rotary E-Club of SOWNY. Elizabeth recently earned her first Paul Harris Fellow recognition award as a result of her contribution of $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation. With each new recognition, an additional sapphire is added to the pin. Elizabeth's pin now has one sapphire. |
Carly Snyder was the guest speaker at our lunch meeting today.Carly is a Chemical Engineer major at SUNY, University at Buffalo.
Carly talked about the positive impact that her attendance at a Rotary District 7090 Rotary Youth Leadership Award program in 2011 had - and continues to have - on her life. Carly also is a member of the Buffalo, New York, Rotaract club. Rotaract is a branch of Rotary for college students and young professionals. |
February 21, 2013, Rotary Induction of Eva Roll & Robert BanasOn Thursday, February 21, 2013, Gabe Maddalena, President of the Rotary Club of Amherst East, inducted two new members; Eva Roll, and Robert Banas. Club Sergeant-at-Arms Isadore DeMarco, assisted with the inductions.
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Amherst East. You can view more photos of the induction in our photo album at: |
Rotary Holiday Party at Erie County Medical CenterThe Rotary Club of Amherst East held its annual Holiday Party at the Erie County Medical Center (ECMC) tonight, December 6, 2012. Every year, our Rotary club entertains the long-term care residents at ECMC during the holiday season. We cannot publish photos of the residents. Nevertheless, here are photos of the Rotary club members, along with other volunteers and the nurses and staff at ECMC. We had a visit by someone claiming to be the son of Santa Claus. He was clearly disturbed and needed either a good night’s sleep or professional guidance. We are grateful that he could stop by to say “Hi” on behalf of his alleged father. |
Two Dozen Williamsville East HS Students Join Amherst East Rotary![]() Two dozen students from Williamsville East High School joined the Rotary Club of Amherst East to build a house for Habitat for Humanity.
View all of the photos at our Facebook page:
Rotarian Paul McAfee's college students raise over $600 for Saigon orphanage in five weeks![]() College students raise over $600 for Saigon orphanage in five weeks. We are in the final week of the International Business course at the University of Science in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Viet Nam. The four classes formed small businesses, producing and selling products to raise money for the orphanage, Children's House District 8. These class businesses also had the challenge to export their products, and to receive payment from outside of Viet Nam. The classes have done well. Together, they have a net profit of over 13,000,000 Viet Nam Dong (VND). This is approximately $625 US Dollars. The class leaders asked the 22 children in this small orphanage what they needed most. The children asked for bicycles to ride to school, and new clothing. The class leaders will deliver five bicycles for the children to share this Friday. They also will deliver 22 pairs of new blue jeans, and 22 new shirts, to fit the orphans.
Rotarian Paul McAfee Reports from Vietnam - Eclectic ParadigmEclectic Paradigm Yesterday, in my lecture to my Vietnamese International Business students, I explained economist John Dunning’s “eclectic paradigm” ( To define this concept, I first had to define “eclectic” and “paradigm” in everyday terms, so that the more complex theory would be memorable. For the lecture, I used my very eclectic iTunes music collection as an example. My kids will know what I mean, and probably would replace “eclectic” with “weird”. The photo here shows the results of my eclectic snack shopping journey this evening in Hồ Chí Minh City (Sài Gòn), Việt Nam. I wish I had this photo for the lecture yesterday. Photo contents: Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate and Coca-Cola Light form the USA, Garlic Peanuts from Việt Nam, and the big prize, Crispy Seaweed from Thailand. |
Annual Wine Tasting Party - Friday, November 2, 2012![]() Annual Wine Tasting Party
Proceeds to benefit The Rotary Club of Amherst East Foundation and Local Charities DATE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 2, 2012 TIME: 6:00 PM — 8:30 PM |
An American in Hanoi - Rotarian Paul McAfee's Experiences in VietnamMy last college lecture of the week, on Operations Management, ended today at 2:30 pm. To relax a while, I visited a café called Face, located within the Hacinco student village, where my classes take place, and where many of the students live. Sitting at the Face Café’s outside deck, where I can view and hear the busy street, I ordered a Local Vietnamese beer – called Hanoi Beer. The warm sunny day gradually darkened. Eventually, the skies opened up with another of the regular torrential downpours that are typical of this rainy season. |
July 23 Update from Rotarian Katie Biggie from Tanzania![]() Katie posted the following update on her service work in Tanzania on her blog on Monday, July 23:
"I apologize I haven’t been able to update the blog in a while; it has been an extremely busy week. It was filled with success, lots of bumpy roads, and quite a bit of laughter. I’ll split up the past week into a few different posts for ease of reading. |
Click on Our Calendar Link for Meeting Topics & Speakers![]() Click on the Calendar link in the bar above to see who we have invited as our guest speakers, and to learn about our coming events.
Click on our Calendar Link for Club Speakers and ProgramsClick on the Calendar link above, or click here, to see a list of coming Rotary Club of Amherst East speakers and programs.
Photos from our June 28, 2012, Rotary Club of Amherst East Installation DinnerJune 28, 2012, Rotary Club of Amherst East Installation Dinner. Click here to view the photo album.
Rotarian Paul McAfee Teaching College in Hanoi, Vietnam.![]() Amherst East Rotarian and Past President Paul McAfee is teaching a college course on Business Leadership in Hanoi, Vietnam. He is teaching at the International School of Vietnam National University (IS-VNU) until mid-May, 2012. Follow Paul's adventure at his blog:
Paul's students are all Vietnamese, and most are second year college students. They are enrolled in a BA degree program in Business Administration at IS-VNU through the support of Keuka College, in Penn Yan, New York. ![]() |
Photos Available from the Rotary E-Club Dinner with Dr. Martzloff Click here to view the photos of our Rotary E-Club of SOWNY dinner that our club hosted, with guest speaker Dr. Scott Martzloff, Superintendent of the Williamsville Central School District.
Rotary Club of Amherst East Contributes $2,000 to Vive, Inc.The Rotary Club of Amherst East donated $2,000 to Vive, Inc., the non-profit organization that runs Vive la Casa. For more information, visit: |
Rotary Club of Amherst East Contributes $1,000 to Amherst Meals on Wheels, in Amherst, N.Y.![]() Amherst, N.Y. – December 8, 2011 – Gerry DeSimone, President of the Rotary Club of Amherst East, presents a check for $1,000 to Anne Marie Howard, Director of the Amherst Meals on Wheels. Also in the Photo is Sally Draper, Services Sub-Chair for Club Service & Events for the Rotary Club of Amherst East. |
Rotary Club of Amherst East Contributes $1,000 to the Amherst SymphonyJohn
Yurtchuk, President of the Rotary Club of Amherst East's Foundation, presented a $1,000 check to the
Amherst Symphony at it's concert on Sunday evening, December 4, 2011.
Rotary Club of Amherst East Contributes $2,000 to Boys & Girls Clubs of Buffalo![]() Amherst, N.Y. – December 1, 2011 – Cindy Munschauer, Past President of the Rotary Club of Amherst East, presents a check for $2,000 to Diane Rowe, Chief Professional Officer of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Buffalo, N.Y.
Rotary District 7090 e-Club Radio Ad on WBEN 930 AM![]() The Rotary Club of Amherst East is one of two clubs sponsoring the creation of a new Rotary e-Club in our district. Click here to listen to the radio ad on WBEN 930 AM.
Club Meetings at Westwood Country Club - Windows on the Green![]() Members of the Rotary Club of Amherst East, our visitors and guests,
Please join our meetings at the Westwood Country Club in Williamsville. Corner of North Forest and Sheridan. We will meet and dine at the Windows on the Green restaurant. |
Rotary Club ECMC Annual Holilday Party |
In Gear 5/23/13 |
In Gear 4/11/13 |
In Gear 3/28/13 |
In Gear 3/21/13 |
In Gear 3-14-13 |
In Gear 2-28-13 |
In Gear 2-21-13 |
In Gear 1/10/13 |
In Gear 1-3-13 |
In Gear 11/29/12 |
In Gear 11-15-12 |